Sunday, July 24, 2011

Cannellini Bean, Sage, and Garlic Dip

We routinely make hummus at home. Or I should say Marc has been making it ever since he learned how to. He is the snack master in this house. But we have all this sage from the CSA that I have been trying to use up. I made sage honey muffins, turkish eggs with fried sage, and now this dip. This dip has a very powerful flavor but it is super healthy and goes great with pita chips.

1 head of garlic
olive oil
11 sage leaves, finely chopped
2 cans cannellini beans, rinsed
freshly grated sea salt and black pepper
juice of 1 lemon

1. Place head of garlic in a small ramekin, splash olive oil over the top and add about 1 cm of water to the dish. Bake in the toaster oven at 400 for about 10 minutes or until you can pierce the garlic with a fork. Remove and let cool.

2. Saute the chopped sage in about 2 tablespoons of olive oil until the oil is just infused.

3. In a food processor, puree beans, sage and oil, garlic, lemon, and sea salt/black pepper (to taste).

4. Chill and serve.

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